What if my complete bike is the wrong size?

Nothing is more exciting than cracking open a box with your brand new bike inside, and nothing is worse than throwing a leg over it and realizing you ordered the wrong size. As long as the bike hasn't been ridden on a trail and appears in new condition, we will return the bike or frame and exchange it for the correct size. Return shipping cost will be determined based on your location. We highly recommend that you perform a "driveway test" before taking the bike to the trail because we cannot return a bike or frame that shows any signs of wear and tear from riding.

E-Bike Returns: Shipping lithium-ion batteries requires a lithium ion battery certification, so a shipping agent that can accommodate that is necessary. We are unable to issue return labels for these items and we have no way to determine what business in your location is certified, so you the customer, will need to accomplish this.

Please read this article for more information on returns: How do I return a product?

If you are absolutely sure you need to return your bike or frame, give us a call at 844-326-2845, or head over to our contact page and send us an email: https://www.fanatikbike.com/pages/contact-us

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